Dugan Petty

Dugan began serving as Oregon’s CIO in 2006. He has led the development and execution of Oregon’s enterprise-level Information Resource Strategy aimed at reducing costly duplication of efforts and resources. He serves as Vice-President of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), co-chairs the NASCIO Enterprise Architecture and Governance Committee and chaired the Greening of IT Committee. He is a member of the Oregon Broadband Advisory Council, Oregon State Interoperability Executive Council, and the newly created Transparency Oregon Advisory Commission.
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RT @OSDV: RT @OpenSourceGov Recipients of OSFA Open Source Awards #whitehouse.gov, TrustTheVote (@osdv), @BrianBehlendorf, E Schuessler #OSFA #GOSCON
RT @OpenSourceGov Recipients of OSFA Open Source Awards #whitehouse.gov, TrustTheVote (@osdv), @BrianBehlendorf, E Schuessler #OSFA #GOSCON
RT @openaffairs: The Challenges and Opportunities of Transparency with Gregory Miller of OSDV Foundation. Watch at http://bit.ly/b6WWWo. #GOSCON #gov20